The Physics Instruments Museum includes scientific instruments of physics and astronomy from the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th century. The inventions of Antonio Pacinotti are included, starting from the famous machine, the first dynamic DC motor, to the electromagnetic traction devices. All inventions that are part of the Pacinotti Fund.

The Museum’s collections are completed by important archives, such as the documentary part of the Pacinotti Fund, the Pacinotti Archive, the Fermi-Persico Archive and the Riccardo Felici Archive, now preserved by the Library of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics (i.e. the University Library System).

Since October 10, 2019, the Museum of Physics Instruments has been TEMPORARILY CLOSED because it is undergoing renovation work. For the entire duration of the works, the activities of the Museum will be held at the Ludoteca Scientifica and in the adjacent rooms.


Latest news from the Physics Instruments Museum includes scientific instruments

The Museums of Sistema Museale di Ateneo of Pisa